Amazon Attribution - Measure Outside Traffic to Amazon Product Listing Pages

Did you receive an email from Amazon Advertising about Amazon Attribution, or just want to learn what is Amazon Attribution and how it can help measure your marketing and advertising activities? This post can help.

What is Amazon Attribution

Amazon Attribution is a tool that helps you measure traffic from outside marketing and advertising initiative’s traffic to Amazon product listings. These activities can include search ads like Google ads, social ads like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, direct marketing like email campaigns, or unique codes and URLs for sharing with influencers that promote your product. These tags measure standard marketing metrics including impressions, clicks, page views, add to cart, and purchases; which can be used to analyze which outside of Amazon advertising are providing the best return on advertising and marketing. If you are familiar with Google Tags or Facebook pixel then this topic will be familiar. The goal of this post is for you to understand:

  • What is Amazon Attribution

  • Why Should Amazon Sellers Use Amazon Attribution

  • How to Set Up Amazon Attribution

  • Best Practice for Amazon Attribution Campaign Structure

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Why Amazon Sellers Should Use Amazon Attribution

Amazon Attribution helps you understand the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and offer several benefits for free.

Amazon Attribution Helps Measure Marketing Metrics

A problem you may have is that you are trying several different marketing tactics all at once to drive traffic and generate sales, but it is just not clear which channels are performing the best. This can cause you to spend precious advertising dollars on avenues that are not as effective. The on-demand and customizable reporting allows you to make an informed decision to better allocate your advertising dollars.

Amazon Product Listings Could Convert Better Than Your Own Site

You may ask yourself, “Why should I drive outside traffic to my Amazon listing instead of my own website?”. That is a valid question, given you are paying Amazon a referral fee for every product sold. However, your ads could convert at a higher rate due to the trust and familiarity for customers purchasing on Amazon. Customers may have their address and payment information saved and with one click purchasing that friction for purchasing is greatly reduced. Using Amazon Attribution can help you objectively see if the conversion rate and ROI is better relative to your own website (even with the referral fee paid to Amazon).

Amazon Attribution is Currently Free and Easy to Get Started

In the current beta version of Amazon Attribution, it is currently free to use the advertising measurement tool. If you are currently advertising to your Amazon product listings you should measure the effectiveness of each campaign. If you are just reviewing the Seller Central business reports, it does not tell you the specific story of how a customer got to your listing.

How to Set Up Amazon Attribution

Here are the steps to set up Amazon Attribution:

  1. Create a new order

  2. Select the Amazon product listing or products you want to measure

  3. Create Line Items for each marketing or advertising campaign and include the Amazon click through URL you would like the link to direct traffic

  4. Copy the tag and use in each unique advertising campaign

There are a few things you should know for proper structuring before setting up your first Amazon Attribution campaign:

  • Naming is important for analyzing the results as it will display when you pull reports

  • Orders are the specific group of products or product you want to advertise

  • Line items create the specific URLs containing the tags. There should be a unique line item for each advertising campaign

Amazon Attribution Set Up

Best Practice for Amazon Attribution Campaign Structure

Now that you have seen how easy it is to set up your first Amazon Attribution tag, let’s review best practices for structuring campaigns. For this example, let’s take a Home products seller that sells a lamp and a rug. They want to create Amazon Attribution tags for their Google Ads and Facebook ads campaigns that drive traffic to their sets of Amazon listings. This Home products seller should create:

  • 2 Unique Orders - One order would include the lamp and the other order would include the rug

  • 2 Line Items - In each order there would line items for the Google Ads and one for the Facebook Ads

  • In total, there will be 4 unique Amazon Attribution URL tags

  • This will allow clear reporting for reviewing the effectiveness of each campaign and product advertising

Contact Us at Goat Consulting

At Goat Consulting, we can help you merchandise your products so that when you drive traffic from outside channels, they can convert at the highest levels. Using Amazon Attribution, we can see which products and channels are providing the greatest ROI for your business. If you have questions about Amazon Attribution or selling on Amazon, please reach out to us with the contact form.