Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions

Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions is a Seller Central tool that lets Brand Registered sellers provide exclusive, targeted promotions to Amazon customers. Sellers select an audience (a cohort of customer segments that includes brand followers, past and prospective customers) and a percentage off, which shows a discount badge on the search results page, product detail page, and promotion shopping page exclusively for that audience. This Amazon merchandising promotion opportunity lets you reward loyal Amazon customers and convert potential buyers that may not have purchased into new customers. This post will help you understand the requirements to be eligible for Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions, supported audiences to target, and how to set up a promotion. 

Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions

Requirements for Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions

There are a few requirements to be eligible for utilizing the Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions tool including:

  • Brand Registered - you must have gone through Amazon Brand Registry to have a brand available to utilize this tool 

  • Audiences with size of 100 or more - the audiences you are targeting must include at least 100 or more customers in order to utilize that group. If you do not have that amount, the audience will be grayed out and not be able to be selected.

  • Featured Offer - you must have the featured offer in the buy box in order for your promotion badge to show on the search results page, product detail page, and promotion shopping page.

Supported Brand Tailored Promotions Audiences

Brand Tailored Promotion audiences are the cohorts or groups of customers brands can create specific promotions. Sellers target specific audiences to accomplish the goal and purpose of the promotion. Here is a breakdown of the available campaign audiences:

Repeat Customers

The repeat customer audience is customers who have ordered from your brand more than once in the last 12 months. Offering this additional promotion to these repeat customers increases repeat purchases and rewards the loyalty of customers that have trusted and purchased your products. This is a great audience for products that are inherently repeat purchases such as food, health, and home products. 

Brand Cart Abandoners

Brand cart abandoners are the audience that includes customers that have added your products to their cart in the last 90 days but have not yet purchased. This is a great promotion tool to nudge Amazon customers to go from consideration of your product to actually purchasing. A small discount just may push the Amazon customer over the edge into making the purchase.

Potential New Customers

Potential new customers are customers that have clicked on your products or have added your products to their cart in the last 90 days, but have not bought in the last 12 months. Targeting this group with a promotion leads to greater conversion of new customers. 

High-Spend Customers

The high-spend customers audience includes the top 5% of customers, based on dollars spent, who have bought from your brand in the last year. Providing a promotion discount to these high spenders rewards their loyalty and can lead to even more spend. 

Recent Customers

Recent customers include an audience of the most recent 5% of the audience who have bought from your brand. This audience is a great tool to incentivize customers to quickly repurchase your product. If a customer makes a purchase of your product and loves it, and goes back to the listing and sees a % discount, that extra discount may push them to make another purchase. 

Brand Followers

Brand followers include Amazon customers that have clicked “follow” for your brand. The follow button is located on your Amazon Storefront. Sellers can grow follower counts by encouraging customers to follow your brand or continuously utilizing the Amazon Posts tool to get in front of your audience. 

Seller Central Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions Audiences

How to Set Up a Brand Tailored Promotion

Setting up Brand Tailored Promotions is a simple process.

  1. Go to the Advertising tab on Seller Central and click on Brand Tailored Promotions

  2. Click Create a Promotion on the right side of the screen

  3. Select your Brand Registered brand from the drop down and the Audience you wish to target

  4. Add a Promotion Name, discount %, budget, and promotion start and end date

  5. Review the promotion and click Submit

Best Practices for Running Brand Tailored Promotion

Brand Tailored Promotions can be a great marketing tool when used correctly. Here are some of the best practices for implementing these promotions effectively: 

  • Test Different Audiences and Discounts - Testing all 6 available audiences is crucial for understanding what resonates best with your customers. By tailoring promotions and different discount offers to each audience, you can analyze which audience responds best to which discount. This process will help sellers optimize their promotional efforts for maximum efficiency. 

  • Ensure Large Enough Budget - Setting a large enough budget is key to maximizing the opportunity of your promotion. A sufficient-sized budget allows your promotion to run for the whole promotion period without ending early. This helps increase visibility and potential for more sales from the audience you select.  

  • Utilize Manage Your Customer Engagement with the Brand Follower Audience - If you set up an Amazon Brand Tailored Promotion with a Brand Followers audience, you can pair the Manage Your Customer Engagement email to reach the same audience so they can be aware of the promotion.

Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions Exclusive Audience

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions on Brand Tailored Promotion

What is Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions?

Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions is an Amazon seller central promotion tool that provides a promotional discount to Amazon customers to a specific segmented audience that has interacted with your brand.

What do I need to have to be eligible for Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions?

In order to be eligible for Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions, you must be brand registered and each audience must have a size of 100 or more customers.

How much do Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions cost?

Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions does not cost anything to the seller, it is a free tool. However, the selected discount is funded by the seller.

How is the Amazon Brand Tailored Promotion merchandised to an Amazon Customer?

Customers that are eligible for the promotion will view the promotion on the Amazon search results page, detail page, and the promotion shopping page. There will be a green page that states “follower promo” or “exclusive promo” based on the selected audience you are targeting.

How do I deactivate an Amazon Brand Tailored Promotion?

To deactivate an active Amazon Brand Tailored Promotion, navigate to the Brand Tailored promotion home page and click the “Deactivate” button. Note the promotion may take up to four hours to disappear.

How do I know the size of my Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions audience?

From the Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions home page you can see the available audiences. In the parentheses next to the title lists a number. That number is the number of customers available for that audience.

What discount do I need to provide for Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions?

You must provide a discount between 10% and 50% for Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions

What products in my catalog are included in the Amazon Brand Tailored Promotion?

At the date of this writing, your entire brand catalog is included in the promotion on any one product per customer. It is noted that Amazon will soon launch the ability to select specific ASINs eligible for a tailored promotion.

What are the different audiences for setting up an Amazon Brand Tailored Promotion?

The different Amazon Brand Tailored Promotion audiences include: repeat customers, brand cart abandoners, potential new customers, high-spend customers, recent customers, brand followers.

How does the Amazon Brand Tailored Promotion appear to Amazon customers?

Eligible customers (audiences) will be able to view the promotion on search, detail page, and promotion shopping page surfaced by a green badge that says 'Follower promo' or 'Exclusive promo' based on the audience selected.

How do I get access to Brand Tailored Promotions?

The account admin should navigate to "Settings > User Permissions > Global User Permissions> (find relevant user in list) > Manage rights > Brand Benefits > Brand Tailored Promotions".

How do I run better Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions?

Sellers can run better Amazon brand tailored promotions by offering a larger discount, targeting an audience with a larger customer size, and supporting the promotion with Amazon Ads. Reach out to Goat Consulting for help and guidance to make sure you get the most out of running your promotion.


Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions is a unique tool that lets you provide exclusive discounts to Amazon audiences. This merchandising tool can be used to increase conversions by providing a percentage off, which shows a discount badge on the search results page, product detail page, and promotion shopping page exclusively for that audience. Test out the different audiences and percentages off promotions in order to see what works best to meet your Amazon selling goals. Setting up the Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions is technically easy to do, but it is important to align the promotion with your holistic Amazon selling strategy. We at Goat Consulting, would like to help you make the most out of this tool so reach out to let us help you get started.

About the Author - Albert Podshivaylov

This post was written by Albert Podshivaylov, an Account Manager at Goat Consulting. Albert helps his clients sell on Amazon by increasing sales, mitigating risk, reducing costs, and solving problems. Albert has developed experience and expertise in setting up Amazon Brand Tailored Promotions that align with the overall Amazon selling strategy and goals for his Goat Consulting clients.  If you want help running Amazon exclusive promotions, or assist with other aspects of selling on Amazon, Albert is happy to lead your account.